UNGPS 10+ Blog Series: Closing thoughts and looking forward
Our closing thoughts on our partners’ perspectives on the intersection of business and human rights.
The intersection of business and human rights is a critical one for those of us working to address forced labor and human trafficking. In late 2021, at the United Nations Business and Human Rights Conference, the UN unveiled its roadmap for the next ten years of using the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) to help guide governments, businesses, advocates, workers, survivors of exploitation, and other stakeholders in making human rights a priority of the global economy
Read the UNGPs here
See the UN’s roadmap here
As our field enters a new decade of work, in the context of a global pandemic, we’ve gathered a collection of perspectives that offer a panoramic view of what the work looks like right now, where we’ve come in the last ten years, and some unique perspectives and lessons learned, which we must apply to our efforts to achieve our goals.
Our closing thoughts on our partners’ perspectives on the intersection of business and human rights.
This post looks at the use of data and regional approaches to addressing human rights abuses in business.
The first Action Area identified in the UNGPs 10+ is “UNGPs as a Compass for Meeting Global Challenges” This broad category speaks to the need...
Humanity United is launching a blog series featuring the perspectives of some of our partners on the next decade of implementing the UN Guiding Principles...
The second and third action items in the UNGPs 10+ are focused on the responsibility of governments to protect workers from exploitation, and the responsibility...
The fourth action item, titled “Access to Remedy,” deals with exactly that. What happens to exploited workers when their human rights are violated?
These action items focus on expanding the field and growing the influence of those pressuring governments and corporations to enact the Guiding Principles