On December 3, 2017, the United States Government withdrew from the negotiating process on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration. David Abramowitz, Managing Director at Humanity United, said:
“The Trump Administration has abandoned nearly seven decades of leadership on the protection of refugees and other vulnerable migrants, including trafficked men, women and children.
“U.S. leadership is critical to strengthening and expanding protections for migrants in crisis around the world. Abandoning our leadership will not protect the United States but will instead make other countries less willing to work with us, countries whose cooperation we need to protect our nation from harm. Indeed, as U.S. leadership shrinks, we embolden those who exploit migrants’ vulnerabilities – smugglers, traffickers, and unscrupulous recruiters.
“If the Trump Administration is serious about ending human trafficking and protecting Americans who live and work abroad, the United States must recommit to the negotiating process.”