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June 23, 2016

Report Finds Greater Action is Needed by ICT Sector to Address Forced Labor

KTC_ICT CoverA report published by KnowTheChain reveals that the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector could do more to address risks of forced labor in their global supply chains.

The benchmark report found that 18 of the 20 ICT companies have a public commitment to addressing forced labor, showing that they recognize the importance of the issue, but far fewer have the policies and practices in place to do so.

Humanity United launched KnowTheChain in 2013 as a resource to help companies and investors understand and address the risk of forced labor in their supply chains. To establish a baseline of performance and identify gaps where companies and industries can improve, KnowTheChain is assessing top corporations by sector on their efforts to eradicate forced labor from their global supply chains. Three sector-wide reports will be released in 2016. In addition to the ICT report, KnowTheChain will benchmark the Food & Beverage and Apparel & Footwear sectors.

Read the full report >>

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