In December, members of the Humanity United team traveled to Bogotá, Colombia to participate in the #ShiftThePower summit. There, we joined a community of peacebuilders working toward a global civil society and funding system that center equity, justice and flourishing lives for all.
We reflected on our experience and shared some of our takeaways in a piece for Alliance Magazine. We have also compiled additional reflections and perspectives from some of our partners and others who were in attendance:
- Empowering communities: insights from the #ShiftThePower Summit in Bogotá / CDAC & Loop
Alex Ross, founder of Loop, shares her insights from the summit’s inclusive dialogue and the significant role of community engagement for shifting the power.
- Recap: #ShiftThePower en los ojos de TerritoriA / TerritoriA
TerritoriA shared a recap of the summit, written in Spanish, from their perspective as a Colombia-based organization.
- Shifting the power – a call to transformation rooted in the personal / Adeso
Masarat Daud, Senior Communications and Advocacy Lead at Adeso, reflects on what #ShiftThePower means and looks like at a societal, organizational, and individual level.
- Reflections From the #ShiftThePower Global Summit: What Can Funders Do Differently? / Rights CoLab and RINGO
Members of Re-Imagining the INGO (RINGO) share what they learned during #ShiftThePower and some of the opportunities that came up for funders.
- It takes all of us: Shifting power and decolonizing development / Stopping As Success
Grace Boone and Jasmine Kato-Naughton reflect on the summit and share key lessons they are carrying as individuals, organizations, and for the wider system.
- ‘The #ShiftThePower agenda is a liberation agenda’ – Interview with Dzikamai Bere, ZimRights / African Philanthropy Network
In this Alliance Magazine piece, Tarisai Jangara of the African Philanthropy Network (APN) interviewed Dzikamai Bere of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) to learn more about how their work aligns with the #ShiftThePower movement.
- Trust is the key to shifting the power / Accountability Lab Nepal
Soni Khanal, Learning Manager at Accountability Lab Nepal and a #ShiftThePower Fellow, reflects in Alliance Magazine on what she learned about the role of trust in shifting power.
- Three lessons for peace from Latin America / TerritoriA
Felipe Bogotá Rodríguez, Executive Director of TerritoriA, shares three reflections about #ShiftThePower from TerritoriA and the Colombian Comunitarian Foundations movement in Alliance Magazine.
- The Ancient Technology of Storytelling: Day Three, #ShiftThePower Summit / Resonance Network
This piece was written by Amy McGoldrick, a participant in Resonance Network’s #ShiftThePower session on governance, and first appeared in Alliance Magazine here. The piece is also available in Spanish.