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September 23, 2015

NGOS Urge AU PSC Action on Human Rights Abuses in South Sudan

Today, 38 South Sudanese and international organizations sent a letter to the African Union Peace and Security Council (AU PSC) urging immediate action to promote accountability for human rights abuses committed during the conflict that began in December 2013.  The AU PSC will hold a meeting on South Sudan on the margins of the UN General Assembly, and the groups called for the release of the report of the AU Commission on Inquiry on South Sudan, which was mandated to look at the atrocities which happened at the onset of the crisis.  They also called on the AU PSC to express its commitment to establish a hybrid international-South Sudan court to try those responsible for these abuses.

Experience has shown the failure to address past crimes has fueled renewed abuse. Lasting stability, national healing and opportunity for South Sudanese looking to build a human rights-respecting state will require that crimes committed are addressed. Swift and robust support from the AU and others is crucial for these hopes to become reality.

Read the entire letter>>

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