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February 1, 2014

Marking National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

As National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month comes to an end, we’d like to highlight some of this month’s most noteworthy news, events, and efforts in our collective fight to combat human trafficking and slavery.

With the support of the Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking (ATEST), four brave trafficking survivors published thought-provoking op-eds calling for a more inclusive and protective system for survivors of human trafficking:

ATEST also held a congressional briefing, “Combating Modern Slavery,” at the Capitol Visitor Center in Washington D.C. (pictured above). This event gave survivors an opportunity to share their unique perspectives on what the United States must do to prevent and end modern slavery in the U.S. and overseas, stop the treatment of trafficking victims as criminals, and provide critical survivor services. The event was co-hosted by Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Rob Portman (R-OH).

The Partnership for Freedom hosted its Innovation Workshop, which brought together finalist teams, expert coaches (including trafficking survivors), and federal partners for a three-day “incubation” exercise to help finalists in the Reimagine: Opportunity challenge better refine their ideas. Up to three winners will be announced in the Spring 2014; they will receive up to $1.8 million in funding to begin piloting their solutions.

The Freedom Fund, an ambitious seven-year effort to raise and deploy $100 million to combat modern-day slavery, held its inaugural board meeting at Humanity United’s San Francisco office.

Helping to close this eventful month, Humanity United’s founder, Pam Omidyar, contributed a guest entry to Article 3 Advisors’ blog reflecting on Humanity United’s anti-human trafficking work:

It will take the engagement and significant collaboration of public, private, and social sectors to truly shift mindsets and culture around the hidden and shameful nature of slavery. Through greater partnerships, transparency and aligned intention, we can scale immensely to achieve our worthy vision of our shared global freedom,” she wrote.

Although National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month is coming to an end, Humanity United’s commitment to combating human trafficking and slavery continues…

Photo: Sharon Farmer/sfphotoworks

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