The Response and Vision Fund – an initiative of the FORGE collaborative – has announced a new slate of grantees, aimed at helping workers and communities ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic.
FORGE is a collaborative of philanthropic donors, working together towards a global economy that works for all people and the planet, shaped by and accountable to worker- and community-led movements. The Response and Vision Fund, which launched last year, supports community and civil society organizations, workers’ rights groups and social movements that work with those most impacted by the economic fallout of Covid-19, while advancing systemic change to shift the economy in a more just and sustainable direction. Humanity United is a founding member of both.
The first cohort of grantees included eight organizations that focused their efforts on building worker power, strengthening accountability and shaping recovery initiatives.
The seven newly-announced grantees will build on and complement the efforts of the first slate, and support the development of a new economic model that works for the people and the planet, focusing on climate, gender, and debt justice.
The newest grantees are:
- Scaling up climate finance and ensuring climate action in the midst of COVID-19 and economic crisis, led by Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development
- Debt justice in times of COVID-19 and multiple crises led by Latindadd
- COVID-19/Mining Nexus: Global Allies Monitoring Group led by MiningWatch Canada
- Developing a regional campaign to promote a green, just recovery in Latin America, led by the climate justice organization AIDA
- Towards a better and community-controlled global food system led by GRAIN and bilaterals.org
- Women-Centered Response during the Pandemic, led by Asia Floor Wage Alliance
- Organizing Chilean Hospitality Workers for Power in Return to Work and Safe Working Conditions, by Global Labor Justice-International Labor Rights Forum and in partnership with UNI Americas
The Response and Vision Fund was launched by the Ford Foundation, Fundación Avina, Humanity United, Laudes Foundation, Omidyar Network, Open Society Foundations, SAGE Fund, True Costs Initiative, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, and Wallace Global Fund.
For more on each of the new grantees, visit the FORGE website.