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President Biden: Act on El Fasher Now


Act Now to Protect Civilians in El Fasher


Dear President Biden,

The crisis in Sudan has worsened and we are on the verge of more grave violations in the Sudanese city of El Fasher if you do not act with urgency. Thousands of civilian deaths are predicted to be imminent in and around El Fasher in the coming days.

We, the undersigned individuals and organizations, urge you to take immediate steps to address this crisis. Since April 2023, the ongoing fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has devastated the country, with countless atrocities and millions forcibly displaced and in dire need of humanitarian assistance.

In December 2023, Secretary of State Antony Blinken made an official atrocity determination on Sudan, acknowledging that members of the SAF have committed war crimes and that members of the RSF and allied militias have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing. Decades of impunity has emboldened the warring parties to continue to commit crimes. The ethnic-based targeted killing in Darfur, in particular, echoes the atrocities in Darfur that caught the world’s attention some 20 years ago. Despite the international community’s wide condemnation of the actions of the SAF and RSF, there has been insufficient substantive action to halt the violence against civilians, stop the widespread hunger and suffering, or seek justice and accountability. The humanitarian crisis continues to grow.

More immediately, civilians are caught in the escalating violence in Sudan’s capital of North Darfur, El Fasher. The international community must act urgently to prevent atrocities in El Fasher and its surrounding villages, to protect civilians and must ensure perpetrators are held to account. El Fasher is home to over 1.5 million people, including hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people (IDPs) who have sought safety from violence in other parts of Darfur. These civilians are now trapped inside the city with no means of protection. Your failure to act now will likely result in the warring parties engaging in widespread violations of international humanitarian law in the coming days and weeks.

We urge you to take the following steps immediately:

  • Personally speak out on Sudan, condemn the actions of the perpetrators and call for the protection of civilians in El Fasher and throughout Sudan.
  • Directly engage governments who are arming the leaders of RSF and SAF to demand that they respect the arms embargo on Darfur.
  • Engage and support the governments of neighboring countries to ensure urgently needed aid and refuge is offered and sustained to those fleeing hunger and violence in Sudan.
  • Prioritize life-saving assistance to respond to the rapidly growing humanitarian crisis, including support to local actors.

The people of Sudan are suffering. You have a responsibility to act on El Fasher now.


Act for Sudan

Abukloi Foundation

Advocacy for Justice,Peace and Sustainable Development

Advocacy Network for Africa (AdNA)

African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies

Africans for the Horn of Africa Initiative

Afrikki Pan African Movement

Alliance for Peacebuilding

American Friends of the Episcopal Church of the Sudans (AFRECS)

American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa (ARAHA)

Amnesty International USA

Asmaa Society for Development


AWAFY Sudanese Organization

Birthright AFRICA

Brooklyn Coalition for Darfur & Marginalized Sudan

Catholic Scholars for Worker Justice

Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity; Graduate Center–City University of New York

Civic Lab -Kampala

Clip Poverty Organization

Coalition Against Global Genocide/Executive Director

Collectif Urgence Darfour

College of St Benedict and St John’s University

Confluence Advisory

Crane Center for Mass Atrocity Prevention

Darfur Action Group of South Carolina

Darfur and Beyond

Darfur Bar Association

Darfur Civil Society Platform

Darfur Interfaith Network (DIN)

Darfur Women Action Group

Darmasalit Union – Corp

Denver Sister Cities International

Doctors to the World

DT Global

Education for Global Peace

Empower One

Friends Committee on National Legislation

Genocide Studies International

Genocide Watch

Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

Global Fund for Women

Golda Meir House Museum



HUDO Centre

Humane Initiative, South Sudan

Humanity United

Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART).


Institute for Islamic Judaic Middle East and Sephardic Studies

Journal of Social Encounters

Kamma Organization for Development Initiative (KODI)

Katartismos Global

The MagkaSama Project

Mercy Valley Relief

New York Coalition for Darfur

NoirUnited International

Nonviolent Peaceforce

Nuba Christian Family Mission

Nuba Mountains Association

Nuba Now

Nuevo Amanecer


Operation Broken Silence


Pax Christi New York State

Pax Christi USA

Peace Catalysts Organization (PCO)

Post Genocide Education Fund

Presbytery of Shenango Sudan/

Project Expedite Justice

Refugees International

Rights for Peace

Rocky Mountain Welcome Center

Rural Extension for Development Organization (REDO)

Sabah Jedid - South Sudan

Seed for Democracy for South Sudan

South Sudan International Advocacy for Human Rights

South Sudan Women United (SSWU)

St. Mary Magdalene Social Justice and Peace Committee

Sudan and South Mission Partnership Network

Sudan for All

Sudan Human Rights Network

Sudan National Forum California

Sudan Peace and Security Monitor

Sudan Platform for Agriculture and Food Security

Sudan Rowan Inc.

Sudan Transparency and Policy Tracker

Sudan Unlimited

Sudan's Doctors for Human Rights

Sudanese American Physician's Association

Sudanese American Public Affairs Association (SAPAA)

Sudanese Doctors for Peace and Development

Sudanese Women Rights Action


Sustainable Dailoug Center

The Elsa-Gopa Trust

The Regional Centre for Training and Development of Civil Society (RCDCS)

The Sentry

The Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA)

Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition International TASSC


U.S.-Educated Sudanese Association (USESA)

Unflinching Hope Worldwide

Unite for the Country

Vital Voices Global Partnership

Waging Peace

World Without Genocide

Semhar Araia

Ibrahim Taha Ayoub

Ishmael Beah

Bill Casey

Baroness Caroline Cox

Donna Creasman

Gayle Donsky

Lynne Duman

Anwar Elhaj

Linda Farb

Caroline Faria

Salma Gasim

Frederick E. Gilbert

Amel Gorani

Karen Henderson

Jehanne Henry

Robert Hitchcock

Awad Ibrahim

Pius Kamau

Walter Kendall

Eiman Kheir

Akec Khoc

Matthew Kohn

Ngor Mayol

T. Michael McNulty

Sonja Miley

Anab Mohamed

Crystal Murphy

Pam Omidyar

Omolayo Oyudo

Krista Potter

Annie Rappeport

Rabbi Daniel Roberts

Deb Rome

Sherry Rubinstein

Adil Salih

Francis Shor

Jack Sigman

Jan Theisen

Camille Tinnin

Daniel Wehrenfennig

Emira Woods

Eiman Zein-Elabdin

Stephen Zunes

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