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Independent Journalism & Media




At Humanity United, we recognize the impact that in-depth, nuanced reporting can have on society and the critical role that independent journalism plays in helping us make sense of the world around us. Our Independent Journalism & Media (IJAM) program is grounded in the belief that we need high-quality, independent journalism to shift harmful systems and practices toward peace and freedom.

IJAM is a part of the Public Engagement portfolio. The journalism we support helps explain and report on complex and hidden topics, holds those in power to account, and creates the opportunity for action and change. We aim to cultivate the conditions for enduring peace and freedom by supporting journalism that elevates the value of shared humanity; connects people across borders and from different lived experiences; and inspires change. We believe that more quality content that advances human dignity as well as probes the systems that enable the abuse of human rights will increase awareness, understanding, and accountability with key audiences.

In addition to directly funding journalism, we also support networks that aim to build a robust community of journalists and media organizations reporting on the systems in which we operate. We also fund organizations that support the well-being of journalists and/or seek normative shifts within the industry.

We view these efforts as interconnected, with different aspects of journalism reinforcing each other to help enable a more resilient and robust environment that supports independent journalism reporting. Specifically, this means supporting:

  • High-quality investigative and trauma-informed reporting and networks that help develop this capacity
  • Place-based journalism from reporters who can best shape narratives and include perspectives from communities at the heart of the stories being told
  • Journalism organizations that value diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in their reporting, including seeking diverse voices and perspectives throughout the reporting process and in their organizational practices and processes
  • Journalism organizations that meet the actual needs and challenges faced by front-line reporters by investing in resilience, health, trauma, safety, and security

By focusing on these areas, we aim to support an environment that produces impactful stories that inspire action and contribute to positive change in the world.

To read more about Humanity United’s approach to journalism funding, read Senior Director, Liz Baker’s interview with Media Impact Funders.




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