Humanity United and the Freedom Fund are seeking a research institution to conduct a regional landscape analysis of major seafood producing countries in Southeast Asia, Taiwan and India.
The purpose of the research is to conduct a landscape analysis of the seafood industry in Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Taiwan, and India. The research is multi-pronged. In the first phase, there are three primary objectives: the first objective it to evaluate the incidence of forced labour/human trafficking in seafood supply chains in the countries of interest to determine need and if new country-based strategies could be catalytic and effective. Secondly, the analysis should include an assessment of regional coordinating mechanisms, their effectiveness, and the possibility of engaging these to promote cooperation and create minimum basic standards for seafood across the region. Thirdly, the final objective is to conduct a brief assessment of the country context and geopolitics in Thailand, identifying key enablers/inhibitors of change.
For more information, please review this request for proposals>>