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June 27, 2017

Humanity United Response to 2017 TIP Report

Following the release of the 2017 U.S. Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, David Abramowitz, Managing Director at Humanity United said,

“We have serious concerns about this year’s TIP Report which included unjustified upgrades to Burma, Malaysia, and Qatar and a failure to downgrade Thailand. According to experts, the exclusion of Burma, Iraq, and Afghanistan from this year’s Child Soldiers list is also unwarranted. In combination, these decisions weaken the TIP Report’s value.

“The United States’ Trafficking in Persons Report is a critical tool in the global fight to end human trafficking, but it is only as effective as it is credible. The Trump administration puts the U.S. reputation as a global anti-trafficking leader at risk as its policies and rhetoric result in more men, women, and children vulnerable to human trafficking. If the administration wants to end modern slavery, it must put an end to this climate of fear, where victims are afraid to report crimes and apply for trafficking protections for fear of deportation. It must commit to funding the foreign aid that keeps countless people safe, and it must continue to invest in the enforcement of labor laws here and abroad that protect workers.

“This year’s recommendation section for the United States also eliminates language about the vulnerabilities of LGBTQ and runaway and homeless youth, some of the most vulnerable populations in the United States.

“The United States is undermining its own stated commitment to end modern slavery. Without this credibility, America will lose its ability to persuade other countries to increase their efforts. For the millions of people worldwide living in modern slavery, the loss of U.S. leadership is a truly devastating possibility.”

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